Shipping Policies

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Delivery time

10 Days - 30 Days

This may vary from order to order so if you'd like to know your order status, you can do that through here.

If your order did not arrive after 30 days, you can email us and we'll respond within 24 hours.

Late delivery

If your shipment took over 20 days to arrive, you get a free discount on your next order!

To claim your discount, you have to contact us.
Replies are expected within 24 hours.

If the order didn't arrive after 40 days you get a full refund including shipment fees.

Order cancellations

Orders are only cancelled through emails. You can contact us through here.

Orders cannot be cancelled after a day (24 hours) from checkout.

Replies are expected within less than 24 hours.

Please always include your order number in your emails.

Full Refunds

Full refunds are only allowed if the order was canceled before shipment. If order cancellation was requested after the shipment, we have the right to decline your request. Orders are shipped a day after they're placed. With every order, you will have to pay a certain amount as a transaction fee, these are not included in the refund.

If there was a mistake on our behalf, this will be the sole case where full-refunds will be allowed after shipment/delivery
(e.g. wrong color, size, damaged goods, etc..)

Please always include your order number in your emails.

Returning orders

Please cancel orders within 24 hours after checkout, and a refund will be issued a few days after. (Approximately 3 to 7 days)

If there was a mistake on our behalf; wrong color, wrong size, or wrong product, then you receive a full refund.

Wrong product

If you picked the wrong color/size/product, then neither returns nor refunds will be accepted.

If there was a mistake on our behalf, full-refunds will be allowed.

Please always include your order number in your emails.

You got questions?